The original interstellar hunter gets a make-over...
Hot Toys' Movie Masterpiece "Predators" collection continues to expand with the fifth 1:6th figure release, the Classic Predator. This new figure, pulled from 2010's Predators,
includes a brand new diorama base depicting the Predator base camp in
the movie. The creature's overall look inspired by the original 1987 Predator
film, with some subtle differences... and some major upgrades as well.
For collector's who missed out on the original 1987 movie figure, this
is a great opportunity to fill the gap in their collection.
The Classic Predator utilizes the same packaging as all the previous
Predators MMS figures: a fifth window box featuring a slide-out
decorative sleeve with clear red film that showcases the Predator image
on the main box underneath. The figure, parts and diorama base are
stored within several different interlocking plastic tray layers. The
main box features a large image of the Classic Predator in the front of
the lid and a full body image of the figure on the interior facing the
box window. Hot Toys continues to push the envelope with their packaging
by reinforcing the figure and all its parts to keep them from shuffling
around in the package and thus avoiding the piece from being damaged.
While Hot Toys' original '87 Predator figure was very well made and an
overall must-have piece for die-hard collectors, this new version
outshines its predecessor by miles. For starters, the head sculpt on
the new Predator features a lot more detail and the tendrils on the head
are made up of individual flexible rubber strands which hang straight
The Classic Predator also includes two versions of the bio-mask
-battle-ravaged and regular - which attach directly into the face.
Unlike the previous release which had an oversized helmet that fit over
the head portrait, the new version has the chin piece of the creature
sculpted permanently into the interior of the mask and attaches directly
into the peg holes surrounding the mouth. The new bio-helmet concept is
a significant improvement as it eliminates the need for an oversized
mask that fits over the entire head portrait.
Another distinguished trait of the new Predator is that it utilizes the updated larger buck body from the previous Predators
clan releases, which is a lot more size-accurate. The unique texturing
around the body is much improved on this new piece as well. The Classic
Predator includes an all new display diorama that depicts the predator
clan’s camp with the remains of a giant dinosaur skull and an
outstretched piece of skin from one of its prey.
While this new Classic Predator does not feature the same mid-torso and
mid-bicep joint as the '87 version, it still offers a wide range of
movement. All the joints on the figure are nice and tight allowing the
figure to remain in most poses you place him in. Overall, this new
predator figure features over 22 points of articulation.
The paint applications on the figure are fantastic, surpassing the
previous '87 version by leaps and bounds. Some of the most notable
improvements in the paint job are evident in the mouth and face. The
interior of the mouth is so detailed, you can even see the tiny little
veins along the gums. The facial details are colored flawlessly
resulting in the most movie-accurate sixth scale classic predator to
Aside from the pair of interchangeable bio-masks with light-up feature,
the Classic Predator includes a plethora of extra parts which add
significant value to the piece. The LED lights on the mask and forearm
control panel are very bright and do not fade out after a short period
of time.
The Predators MMS Classic Predator Sixth Scale Collectible Figure features the following accessories:
- Interchangeable expanded and relaxed mandibles
- Six interchangeable hands (closed fist, open and pointing)
- Articulated shoulder cannon
- Right forearm armor with retractable metal blade
- Left forearm armor with opening control panel
- Additional left forearm control panel with light port
- Interchangeable hologram parts
Hot Toys has once again exceeded my expectations with this fantastic new
addition to their Predators MMS collection. Although this high-end
piece will set you back over $200, its packed-in accessories, light-up
features and diorama base more than make up for the hefty price tag.
Wether you are a die-hard Predator fan or simply want to own the
ultimate classic Predator sixth scale figure released to date, picking
up this piece should be a no-brainer.
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