Dark Horse GAME OF THRONES Figures - Series 3

The Stark Legacy Continues: Arya & Robb Stark Join The Collection...
Dark Horse GAME OF THRONES Figures - Series 3

The fifth season of HBO's hit series Game of Thrones is still a long way away, but Dark Horse has your fantasy drama fix now with their third assortment of Game of Thrones figures. Already five figures deep, this new wave continues the Stark legacy with dynamically posed figures of the eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, as well as Ned's youngest daughter, Arya Stark. These are priced at $22.99 each and can be ordered at many fine retailers.

Like Dark Horse's past Game of Thrones figures, the packaging for Arya and Robb is top notch. The closed window boxes really reflect a more sophisticated high-end statue than your typical action figure release. Front and center is a clear look at the figure inside, while important information - including the license and character name - is visible at a glance. The back of the box continues to showcase the figure with an attractive product shot, as well as providing fans a brief bio on the character in question. What I found interesting is that the bios are written "spoiler free," for example Robb Stark is described in present tense. While that's all great for those who have not seen the show yet, the character specific figure series is clearly aimed at serious fans of the show. I don't see many non-fans picking up a figure of tomboy with a small sword otherwise (though to be fair, warrior figures like Drogo, and even Robb Stark, do have a certain cross appeal).

Robb Stark was a major character in season's 1 - 3. Note the use of past tense. Yeah, Robb went out totally unexpected, once again proving that no one on Game of Thrones is safe. It's really become the calling card of the series; millions of viewers tuning in to watch these well-acted characters do their thing, constantly wondering (worried) if they will live to see the next season. I liked Robb, especially after his dad Ned bought the farm. You felt sorry for him and wanted to see him exact revenge. Dark Horse went with a heroic pose for Robb Stark, a battle-ready stance similar to that used on Series 1's Jon Snow. While we've seen this stance before, it's one that works and one infinitely better than Robb just standing there. Robb was a fighter and this figure reflects that.

The Robb Stark figure clocks in big at 8 inches tall.

Sculpt and paint work is pretty good on Robb. Actor Richard Madden can certainly be seen in the portrait. I especially like the detail on his mixed leather and metal armor, the weathered paint apps really bringing it to life. Robb Stark receives one accessory, a hard plastic broad sword that fits snug in his right hand. It's not the cool wolf head-pommeled sword wielded by Jon Snow, or the impressive two-handed sword used by Ned, but it looks lethal and medieval enough. I like it. Like his dad Ned, Robb comes attached to a dark brown earthen base. To not distract from the figure sculpt, the bases for Dark Horse's figures aren't super detailed, but I really appreciate how they are uniformly colored depending on the character and noble house/region it belongs to. If you are a fan of House Stark, Robb Stark is a must-have figure.

Arya Stark is a must-have figure as well, and not just because she's a Stark, but because she has become such a cool character on the show. I really looked forward to scenes with her and The Hound last season. Shame it ended on such a low note. Arya is posed like Robb in a battle-ready stance, her thin sword "Needle" extended before her, ready for a deadly thrust. Again, while a pose we've seen before, it sums up Arya's character so well. She's become quite a no-nonsense, tough-as-nails character, "Needle" being a big extension of that. I should note here that "Needle" is actually a part of Arya's sculpt and not a separate accessory. The weapon is cast in very pliable plastic so that there's no fear of breakage. However, the sword holds it's shape extremely well - thankfully no warpage to be seen.

The Arya Stark figure measures 7 inches tall, scaled well to Robb's much larger frame.

Sculpt is solid, actress Maisie Williams' recognizable under the tomboyish character she portrays. Arya's outfit is also well-sculpted, her simple padded clothing weathered and worn from her days on the run. Really nice paint work brings out all the grime and dirt. Like Robb and Ned before him, Arya comes attached to a "Stark" base of dark brown dirt.

Introduced at the beginning of this year, Dark Horse's Game of Thrones figure series has already delivered seven great characters to collectors. Not some random side characters, but some actual major characters. Of course anyone watching the show knows that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Major characters are introduced on the series all the time... and often leave just as fast. That's good news for Dark Horse as I don't see this figure line ending anytime soon. Already a fourth assortment has been announced to include Cersei Baratheon, Jaime Lannister, and a White Walker. These are due out this October. Tywin Lannister, revealed at San Diego Comic-Con, rings in the new year in March, 2015.

To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, TheToySource.com, Toynk.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, MonkeyDepot.com, EntertainmentEarth.com, Amiami, HobbySearch and Hobbylink
For hobby miniatures and all your gaming needs, visit MiniatureMarket.com.

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