Sideshow 1:6 Star Wars - BOMB SQUAD CLONE TROOPER

Expand Your Clone Ranks With Bomb Savvy Soldier...

Sideshow 1:6 Star Wars - BOMB SQUAD CLONE TROOPER

Every good specialized fighting team needs a demolitions expert. It's in all the big action movies where a small group of commandos, with the properly trained soldiers, take out a whole army of bad guys and saves the day. Heck, even our real life military employs such experts, so it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise that a fictional universe like Star Wars uses such bomb savvy soldiers. Meet the Bomb Squad Clone Trooper, Sideshow's latest release in the ranks of their ever-expanding 1:6th scale Clone army. In-stock and available to purchase now priced at $149.99, this unique trooper features an orange deco with shoulder insignia, and is fully equipped with everything he needs to get the job done, including twin blasters, backpack, and wire cutters for diffusing deadly virus bombs.

We have received many 1:6 Clone Troopers from Sideshow over the years; the company having mastered the cool armored look of these futuristic Star Wars soldiers. And while all the major squad leaders, such as Commander Cody and Captain Rex, have already been created, there's always room for more Clones in my book. Following in the footsteps of Sideshow's assortment of Deluxe Clone Troopers (read my review of the 212th Attack Battalion HERE), the Bomb Squad Clone Trooper makes for a great army builder, or for those like me with a smaller Clone collection, that demolitions expert your fireteam deserves.

Packing tons of personality, the Bomb Squad Clone Trooper comes with a plethora of interchangeable hand gestures. These alternate hands have become a Sideshow Clone Trooper staple - one that is always welcome as it allows for oodles of display options. While I'm always pretty quick to settle on a pair of hands for most all of my 1:6th scale action figures, I always get a kick out of playing around with the many gestures Sideshow provides for their Clones. Peace sign or gangster salute, pointing the way or fisted for an immediate stop, the Clone Trooper's alternate hands are ever fun, expressive and easy to swap.

Another Sideshow Clone Trooper hallmark is the addition of the standard issue DC-15A Blaster Rifle and DC-15S Blaster Carbine. We've seen the iconic weapons with every Clone release and they still look phenomenal. New to the Bomb Squad Trooper is a pair of working wire cutters (with one right wire clipper holding hand) and a pair of virus bombs (with left bomb clutching hand). The two bombs are the real standout accessories here, both large knobby orbs featuring pull-out knobs and looking like they can inflict some serious damage. The included bomb hand holds them fairly well, though I do wish Sideshow went with magnets for a more secure connection. The wire cutters, while nicely sculpted (and their ability to open and close a nice touch), strike me as rather low tech for a futuristic bomb expert. This is Star Wars after all, a universe full of laser, lightsaber and force shield technology. I'm not saying wires don't exist in this galaxy far, far away, but I'd think diffusing a deadly device like a virus bomb would require a little bit more sci-fi finesse, like a sonic fuze disruptor, or something similar. To stow the bombs (or blaster pistol, etc.), Sideshow also includes a nifty plastic backpack with cloth cover. Like the 212th Attack Battalion Clone Trooper I reviewed that also came with one, the pack attaches easily by sliding over the figure's shoulders and connecting firmly to the back via magnets. You can also pretend it's a satchel charge for when more explosive firepower is needed.

The Bomb Squad Clone Trooper features a color scheme very close to my favorite orange striped "Utapau" Clone Troopers. The orange is a tad darker, but it's fitting considering the fiery nature of the Bomb Squad. Further making this Trooper different is the "Bomb Squad" insignia found on the soldier's shoulder armor, as well as the included display base.

For my 1:6th scale 212th Attack Battalion collection, the Bomb Squad Clone Trooper feels right at home, that specialized demolitions expert my team needed. This is a fine looking Clone Trooper, albeit one that could use some more oomph to make him really standout. How about a bandolier of grenades, rocket launcher, or more unique blast absorbing armor pieces (a new helmet would have been nice)? Beyond a slightly new paint scheme, insignia, virus bombs (which are cool!) and a pair of wire cutters, the Bomb Squad Trooper ultimately comes across as a generic army builder. If you're in the market to expand your Clone ranks, the Bomb Squad Clone Trooper is definitely worth considering (and $149.99 is an incredible price for a 1:6th scale collectible these days). But as truly unique Sideshow Clones go, while far from a dud, the Bomb Squad Trooper could use some extra bang.

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