New 52 Oliver Queen As You’ve Never Seen Him Before...
DC Collectibles has a ton of awesome figures, statues, and more
celebrating the characters of the DC Universe, whether they’re from the
comics, television shows, movies, animation, or beyond. For statue
collectors who have been enjoying the New 52 era of DC Comics (which
started in 2011 and draws to a close with this summer’s Convergence
event), there’s nothing quite like the current
DC Comics Icons 1:6 Scale series.
With arguably the highest quality representations of popular heroes
from today’s books, the Icons statues have wowed fans with Superman,
Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and more. The latest release in the
lineup is the first non-Justice League member (though he’s expressed a
lot of interest in joining),
Green Arrow! The timing couldn’t be
more perfect for this debut as the Emerald Archer is breaking through
to all new audiences and fans with the Arrow TV show in addition to the
character’s comic book appearances. Keep reading for an in-depth look
at this impressive new statue hitting stores this month.
For those haven’t read the books or seen the show (and if so you’re
missing out on both counts) Green Arrow is Oliver Queen, a billionaire
playboy from Star(ling) City. Stranded on an uninhabited island, Ollie
was forced to learn discipline, survival techniques, and the use of a
bow and arrow. Upon returning home he would take those skills and use
them to clean up his city, rooting out corruption, secret plots, street
crime, supervillains, and more. One of the top archers in the DC Comics
universe, Green Arrow has in the past used a wide array of trick arrows
as well as standard lethal and non-lethal varieties depending on the
writer and the seriousness of the situation.

If you’ve purchased any DC Collectibles items in the past couple years
(or even been to a comic book store), you’re likely familiar with their
current packaging style. Well, the Green Arrow Icons statue continues
the trend with a slick white box and streamlined graphics and text. The
front panel of the 13 inch tall box utilizes the DC “peel back” logo
(in green, of course) to reveal an image of the top part of the Green
Arrow statue, and in the bottom left corner is its name. One side panel
has a close up of the statue’s profile and tells you that’s made from
hand-sculpted cold-cast porcelain, while the other features a full body
shot along with info on its height and who sculpted it. On a personal
note, I love that DC Collectibles includes shout outs to its sculptors
on these packages! The back panel of the box shows off two other
currently available Icons statues: Aquaman and the Flash. Lastly, the
top panel has a comic book Green Arrow “arrow” logo. Inside the box
you’ll find a typical two-part styrofoam “coffin” securely holding the
statue (one piece) and base.

Looking at the entirety of the Icons lineup you can see that they share
certain aesthetics and that extends to the general posing of the
statues. Rather than go for exaggerated action scenes, these characters
are all in classic, battle-ready superhero poses befitting their status
as unbeatable heroes. Green Arrow then continues this trend, standing
ready for anything with his bow held in one hand while the other pulls
an arrow out of the quiver on his back. Perhaps more than his fellows
in the Icons line Oliver here captures a great mix of calm and
intensity; at first glance he seems relaxed but look closer to notice
the tension in his muscles, the focus on his face and in his eyes, and
the way he retrieves his arrow without ever looking away from his
potential target. This Green Arrow presentation is uniquely New 52 with
his modern costume and look. Ollie wears an outfit that’s decidedly
more utilitarian than some of those from his past, though it definitely
still looks cool. Everything is streamlined and designed not to get in
his way with tight-fitting pants and sleeveless jacket and slim line
armored boots and forearm guards. Zippers, straps, and buckles all give
the impression of everything in its perfect place and not moving
accidentally, with the only exceptions of Oliver’s tousled hair and the
hood that rests around his neck like a collar.

The Icons Green Arrow statue was sculpted by Paul Harding, a mainstay at
DC Collectibles and notable for his work on the Superman Man of Steel
line, Justice League War, New 52 action figure line, upcoming Icons
action figures, and more. His work here is top notch, and Oliver has a
fantastic sculpt that’s impressively detailed and looks great from every
angle. Even with a non-action pose there’s a lot of attention to the
character’s musculature and physique that tells the story, especially in
the angles of the legs and the aforementioned tension in his arms.
There’s even a great three-fingered grip as Ollie draws his arrow. The
armor is all neat lines, overlapping sections, and smooth plating with
cool designs like the segmented backs of the knees and open heels for
movement. Green Arrow’s jacket is really impressive with regards to
both all of the little fine details like zippers, buckles (including the
arrow logo on his belt), and piping as well as the way it twists with
the character’s torso. Of course, statues like these are often made or
broken by their head sculpts... so thankfully Oliver Queen here has a
great one with a young-looking but focused face (that even includes
sculpted stubble!), a domino mask that looks like you could peel it off
(you can’t), and ever so slightly wild hair (you can’t blame Oliver;
it’s usually under his hood).

Hand in hand with an overview of a statue’s sculpt is always a look at
the paint work and details, and once again Green Arrow doesn’t
disappoint. As it should be, your first color impression upon seeing
this guy is “green,” though again there’s a lot more going on than with
some of the simpler Green Arrow costumes from yesteryear. The color
palette mixes a forest green on the jacket, mask, and armored components
with gray on the rest of the clothing and black straps and leather
elements. Brighter green is used for highlighting on the jacket piping
along with silver and gold on zippers and buckles respectively. Ollie
has a tanned flesh tone with blonde hair, and his face is accented with
subtly shaded lips and painted stubble. Hiding his identity, Green
Arrow’s mask has solid white eyes rimmed in black.

Like the other Icons statues, Green Arrow stands on a cool geometric
display base with pegs in the bottom of his feet. On mine they plugged
in extremely snugly, so I have no worries about him toppling over. The
bottom of the base will have your edition number, limited to 5200 units
(as opposed to mine with a sample code). Oliver stands approximately 10
½ inches tall and is constructed of cold-cast porcelain. And as a
special little detail Green Arrow’s bow has a real string!

If you’re a Green Arrow fan or collector you definitely want to check
out this statue, and if you’re also a New 52 reader then it’s perfect
for you. Other than the action figure that DC Collectibles put out this
is the definitive version of the modern costume and look and will look
great on your shelf. And it should be noted that while this is the
comic book version of the character it will also appeal to fans of the
Arrow TV show and Stephen Amell’s portrayal there. Of course it goes
without saying that Oliver pairs great with other DC Icons statues.
Green Arrow won’t break the bank at $125 MSRP, and he should be arriving
in stores in the next couple weeks so make sure your local comic book
store has one on order for you!
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